Articles in this series
Get Exactly What You Want: Improving User Experience with Access Control · The AirQo air quality dashboard has a bunch of awesome features to offer. You...
The maintenance of software systems is a very important part of a software engineer's role. One thing I have learned is that having only one person...
In this post, we share our thought process on re-imagining the functionality of the AirQo mobile app search feature from a UX perspective. ·...
Practicing UX and Scrum. As a lead designer at AirQo, I had to embrace reality. To learn and infuse scrum into my workflow. · Here is what you need to...
Introduction Like in many other industries, a team is behind the development of a product. There are several different ways these teams work to...
There will always be setbacks and new challenges along the way. What matters is that you are quick to reflect, ask for help and learn from your...