Photo by Edu Lauton on Unsplash
How Access Control Transforms AirQo's Air Quality Dashboard
Get Exactly What You Want: Improving User Experience with Access Control
The AirQo air quality dashboard has a bunch of awesome features to offer. You can create, monitor, and manage your air quality monitoring networks. We've got some cool tools for you, like our locate tool that uses AI to suggest the best spots for installing air quality monitors. You can also create and deploy new monitors, and if you need maintenance or repair, simply recall them from the network. Plus, we've got a network management tool to keep an eye on your network and device uptime, as well as a device leaderboard to track performance. And if you need to export data, we've got you covered with our data export tool and a range of export options. You can even export data from individual devices in your network.
Fig 1: The network monitoring tool
Fig 2: Network Uptime features
However previously, we showed users way more information than they needed to see. From a number of user feedback, we learned that most users just wanted to see their organization's data or simply data related to their current location.
Anddd we listened to them!
With our new access control implementations in the air quality dashboard, organizations get even more control:
You'll have a customized experience, where you can view only your devices and sites. You can choose whether to make your devices public or keep them private.
You can assign different roles and permissions to users within your organization. This is important for ensuring that sensitive data is only accessed by authorized users with the correct privileges. For example,
some users can have permission to view air quality data without the ability to modify devices or sites
some users can have permission to modify devices but not sites (or vice versa)
you can choose who has permission to approve or assign users and candidates to your organization.
This implementation is still ongoing and we hope to address all the different user preferences associated with access control like location-based access etc
In conclusion, we're not just about giving you the tools; we're all about innovation and finding better ways to make air quality data accessible to our users exactly as they want it. That's why we rely on your feedback to make it happen. Thank you for believing in us!